Clays The hiker's dream €2,559.24 A tale for big kids People now pay for sylvotherapy courses to hug trees; In 2000, the year this sculpture was created, a hiker got lost in the forest, which is a little scary at night, and ancestral fears quickly return. I know all about it, living on the edge of the Hez forest. (It doesn't take much for me to return from a sleepless night's stroll in... Add to cart
Bronzes Owl €928.91 This sculpture was created for the Gallery of the Château de Gargilesse in 2008. Since then the owl has become a theme close to my heart. This is a bronze first edition. View
Bronzes Young philosopher €2,464.45 To the Greeks, the owl symbolizes philosophy. It sees in the night. A concept that is very useful in the current period ... A young girl wonders and reflects in interaction with this beautiful animal. View