Bronzes Waiting amulet €454.98 Sculpture created for the exhibition "We dress the fish well" in 2007 at the Château Musée de Boulogne sur mer. It is part of a collection of "amulets" presented in the archaeological showcases of the Museum on this occasion Add to cart
Bronzes Sea amulet €454.98 Sculpture created for the exhibition "We dress the fish well" in 2007 at the Château Musée de Boulogne sur mer. It is part of a collection of "amulets" presented in the archaeological showcases of the Museum on this occasion Add to cart
Bronzes On the beach of Berck €55,924.17 Sculpture created for the exhibition Bêtes à Musée in 2017 It was also presented in 2021 in the remarkable garden of the Tool Museum. In the human imagination, the octopus is a very disturbing animal by its appearance and its intelligence. There the subject is reversed since the octopus has become the friend of a little girl. The 1/8 bronze statue is... Add to cart
Museum acquisitions The octopus / my neighbour From one octopus to another The octopus had always haunted her. Among the many animal documentaries to be found on the web there are some that describe this animal as one of the most intelligent of marine life. In the human imagination, it is a very disturbing animal. Moreover she had sketched and then sculpted her into a somewhat bigoted woman, as if... View